Thursday, September 24, 2009

My New Favorite Jewish Custom


Judaism is full of different types of customs and traditions. I have experienced many of them, but none like the one I did today!

I went with a HUGE group (about 50 people) to the shuk (marketplace) to go do Kaparot. It is when you take a chicken, grab it by it’s wing’s and swing it over your head. Each chicken costs 50 Sheckles, and it all goes to charity.

The concept of the tradition is that you are transferring your sins over to the chicken before Yom Kippur, where you repent for your sins. You do this by swinging it over your head 3 times, and saying a prayer. After you are done, the chicken is slaughtered (kosher, of course) and donated to a family that can’t afford a meal before the holiday!

It was truly a bizarre, and fun way to prepare for Yom Kippor.

Here are some pictures!

Here I am, holding my chicken!

Yet another one of me holding him!

Here I am, in action!

Here's my hand, aftermath!

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