Monday, November 16, 2009

The One With The Facebook Status

(The formatting of this is a little off. I apologize for that!)

Hello everyone!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated this, and I apologize. Since I have been at Hebrew U for 4 days a week, I really don’t have a lot of exciting things going on. But, I’ll catch you up on a couple of fun and exciting things that have happened around Beit Nativ in the past two weeks!

I’m going to do something a little different this time, and use my facebook status updates to tell the story! I hope you enjoy the change!


November 6 at 3:27 pm

So, for our first real closed Shabbat of Nativ, Jules Gutin, the international Director of USY came to Israel to teach us about Conservative Judaism. For those of you who do not know Jules, he is a great teacher and I really feel like I learned a lot from the three lessons that he taught us. Here is an excerpt from Jordana’s blog, in which she talks about one of the sessions:

“A highlight of the study session was definitely when Seth made a parallel to penguin families and Adam, who was sitting between me and Seth, interrupted Seth to correct him by saying, "Have you SEEN the penguin movies?" I'm still laughing. You might have to know them.”

Overall, it was really great to spend a Shabbat with Jules, who I very much enjoy and also spend it with everyone else from Nativ, something that doesn’t happen very often.

Seth Lerman is in Tel Aviv, At The Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Service

November 7 at 6:27 pm

On Saturday night, 48 Nativers, including myself, boarded a bus and went to Tel-Aviv for the annual memorial ceremony for Yitzhak Rabin.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Yitzhak Rabin, I’ll give you a short summary of what happened on November 4th, 1995. Rabin was one of the most admired IDF figures during the 1948 war. He quickly became the secretary of defense and worked his way up to becoming Prime Minister. He won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1994, for signing the Oslo accords, in an attempt to bring peace between Palestinians and Israelis. On November 4th, Rabin attended a peace rally in Kings of Israel Square. At the end of the rally, he led the crowd in two songs, Shir LaShalom (A Song For Peace) and Hatikva, (Israel’s National Anthem, also translated as The Hope).

The Chorus for Shir LaShalom goes like this:

So just sing a song for peace
don't whisper a prayer
Just sing a song for peace
in a loud shout

Lachen rak shiru shir lashalom
al tilhashu tfila
lachen rak shiru shir lashalom
bitze'aka gdola

And Hatikva

Then our hope - the two-thousand-year-old hope - will not be lost:

To be a free people in our land,

The land of Zion and Jerusalem.

After Rabin sang these two songs, he got off stage, and was shot by Yigal Amir, a leftist, who was upset with Rabin signing the Oslo Accords. Something like this was unheard of in Israel, and it literally shook the entire nation. The plaza was shortly renamed Rabin Plaza.

Back to the ceremony… It was a very interesting experience. I was really excited for it, and wanted to see what it was all about. When we got to Tel Aviv, Parritz, Gabe and I went on a hunt; a hunt for food. We found a pretty good schwarma place that was by the ceremony. The ceremony itself was HUGE! They closed off all of the surrounding streets and it was basically a huge street festival. I have been to Rabin plaza multiple times before, but this time was completely different. It was sooo crowded! I meet up with a guy named Perry Swenson. I met Perry while in Bat Yam visiting Arielle a few weeks ago. He and I got really close and since I first met him, we’ve ran into each other a bunch of times. As it turns out, he went to school with a girl from Nativ, and they are really close, so they hang out a lot. He’s a really cool guy and I really enjoy hanging out with him. Once the ceremony got started, a bunch of important people spoke such as Talia Rabin (Yitzchak’s daughter), Shimon Perez and Tzpini Livni. I obviously couldn't understand what the speakers were saying, so after a while I kind of tuned them out, but it was still cool to see them. In the middle of the speeches by everyone, a video message from Barack Obama played. It was a nice change of pace to hear some English, but I found what Obama said a little controversial, as did a lot of Israelis. I kinda find it surprising that most Israelis don’t really like him. Anyways. The service started to conclude with a popular band “Hadag Nachash” playing their most popular song. I’ve seen them in concert 3 times, so I enjoyed it a lot!

At the end of the ceremony, they closed it with Shir LaShalom and Hatikva, just like Rabin did. It was incredibly emotional.

I was really glad that I went, even though I didn’t really understand what was going on! It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.

Where Rabin Was Assassinated

All of the people at the Rabin Memorial



November 8 at 8:03 am

Every year, at CHUSYfest, CHUSY’s fall convention, the Jr’s and Sr’s go into a room after the dance on Saturday night, and call the current CHUSY Nativers. This year, we got to upgrade, and we were able to Skype with them! For those who don’t know what Skype is, it’s a program that allows you to video chat with people for free! (If you have Skype already, ADD ME! [Just search ‘Seth Lerman’]. If you don’t, you can get it here, it’s a free program and works wonderfully) It was so cool to answer people’s questions and see them again! It kinda made me realize how much I miss being in USY, and makes me sad to have to accept that I am out of USY now =( Miles, Ethan Josh and I all had a great time talking to them!

Seth Lerman "she's just mad because she got hiked in the face" - YAY GIRLS FOOTBALL!

November 9 at 10:08 pm

So, as you can probably tell from my status, I went to the girls football game on Monday. This time, 3 things were different than last time.

1. I was allowed into the stadium! Yossi Garr, The Nativ Director, talked his way into letting the league allow guys into the games! Go Yossi!

2. Brian Cook, the Head Coach, was stuck in bed, because he was sick. This meant that the girls were short a coach! Naturally, I stepped in! It was a lot of fun to coach the girls!



The girls’ winning is actually a HUGE deal because apparently the Nativ program doesn’t have the greatest winning percentage throughout the years and its huge accomplishment to see them win! With a close score of 14-13, the girls pulled out. None other than Coach Adam Parritz said the quote “She’s just mad because she got hiked in the face”. After scoring a touchdown, the girls lined up to go for the extra point. A girl from the other team, not knowing what she was doing, or where she was going, was running around aimlessly. She wound up running right in-between the quarterback and the center, at the same time as the ball was snapped, and the ball hit her in the face. I don’t want to laugh at other people’s expense, but man, was that hilarious. Typing about it, a week later, still brings a smile to my face. It was declared the conversion was good, because the defense was offside’s, and it wound up being the game winning point! WHAT A WAY TO WIN!

Seth Lerman is going to be the next great messianic rabbi...

November 10 at 10:18 pm

Every Tuesday night, we have a mandatory Nativ program. Sometimes these programs are interesting, others, not so much. This program was really interesting.

Yossi introduced the program, immediately explaining the seriousness of Jews for Jesus and understanding their role on college campuses. He explained that Mitch Goldberg, the director of Jews for Jesus from New York, was going to speak to us. Then he told us that they wanted a rabbi to come speak with him, but most rabbis he asked rejected the request because they felt it would give legitimacy to the speaker. Instead, Rabbi Tuviya Singer would be willing to speak afterwards.

The guy walks in wearing a Jews for Jesus shirt sported by a jacket. He gives us a sentimental introduction to his background, about he grew up Jewish and went to Hebrew school, and at college his roommate showed him a copy of The New Covenant and at first thought it was bull but then bought into it… he showed clear ignorance of our tradition, quoted the generic bogus verses from the Bible that supposedly allude to Jesus, asserting Rabbinic Judaism as being false. Soon enough he opened the floor to questions, and people started challenging him in no time. A tactic he used was asking people their names and addressing them by name as he spoke. When he opened the floor up for questions, I shot my hand up, wanted to ask him questions. I got called on first, and asked him what it was like to be rejected by rabbi’s but he quickly changed the subject on me! He started to personally attack me! He asked me if I observe all of the laws in the torah perfectly (of course not, but I try to do it to the best of my ability) and then he said that I was a sinner! He said, and I quote “if it would be okay with you Seth, I am going to pray for you to find the path to Yeshua (Jesus) and you will be forgiven of your sinning ways”. I was really offended! Not that I dislike other peoples religion, nor do I feel like they are wrong by believing in what they do, but it was not what I believed in! He then added “Seth, I think you would become an excellent messianic rabbi!”. I am told that the look of shock on my face was priceless, and I was pretty sure I felt my jaw hit the floor. It was absolutely absurd. He kept talking to us for another half hour~ish, and I got reflecting on my previous Jews for Jesus experience at CHUSYfest. The Jew for Jesus exited the room, and re-entered the room as a “Jew For Judaism”, an advocate against Jews for Jesus. It began to click that this was the same thing! If only I had realized this early!!!! As it turns out, I was right, and the same guy walked back into the room, wearing a nice shirt, and turns out, he was an orthodox rabbi and he was doing the same thing!

It was a great program, and everyone left happy.

Seth Lerman loved law abiding citizen. great movie, even with the intermission!

November 15 at 12:22 am

On Saturday night, I was talking with Parritz, about what we wanted to do later that night, and we were talking to Gabe and Nadav, and someone said, look at the preview for “Law Abiding Citizen”, so we looked up, and it looked awesome! So we decided that we were going to go on an adventure and go to a movie! As we gathered to go to the movies, the word spread and more people wanted to join! So, we wound up going in a group of 10 to the movies! There are a couple of differences between movies in Israel and in America. The ticket prices about the same costing 35 Shekels (about 9 dollars), and the popcorn and drinks were about the same too! But then things got a little weird. We had to buy all 10 tickets in together, because there is assigned seating in the movie theatres! Weird! Once we got into the theatre, we noticed that there were people on a balcony! There was an upper deck to the movie theatre! The movie was English speaking, so there were Hebrew subtitles on the bottom! It was exciting when I could recognize a word, and hear it at the same time! However, the weirdest thing about going to a movie in Israel, is that there is an intermission! The movie is cut directly in half, and you have 10 minutes to go do whatever you want (for most Israelis, it is to go smoke a cigerette and get their nicotine hit). The problem is that it is literally cut in half, so we were in the middle of an intense scene (the one with the judge, if you have seen the movie), and the screen went black. When the movie came back on, less than a minute later, an important part of the movie happened. I kinda felt like it ruined the scene a lot =( oh well. It was still a great experience!

That’s all of the status updates, but I still have more!

A couple of quick notes. This past Shabbat I went with Judah and David to Rabbi Epstein’s house for a Shabbat lunch. It was a great meal, great company and a lot of fun! Rabbi Epstein is great and I had a wonderful time! We wound up staying there for almost 3 hours! It was a great meal and a lot of fun…

Lets see, I can’t think of anything else, so I’ll leave you with some new pictures!

Stay Well Everyone!


Dirty Room

Clean Room

This is what happens when a Philadelphia Phillies fan and New York Yankees fan make a bet on who will win the world series... Joey (the Phillies fan) lost the bet, and this is what he had to do to his head!



Have A Good Day!

See You Next Post!

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